Monday, October 31, 2011

Dart day 2/3

Dart got his first car ride in the front seat. He is an awesome car-rider. Enjoys taking in the views but mostly likes curling up on the seat. We went over to visit my parents and my visiting nephew again. He loves exploring their house. He and Peewee still don't really care about each other.

Next we went over to Ryan's parents house. They have a little Pomeranian with a big dog complex. Dart wasn't too much of a fan of Buddy. Note to self - find a different endearment for Dart, buddy gets confusing. I worked the Haunted Basement last night, so he and Ryan got some quality time together.

We decided to put his bed in the bedroom last night but leave his crate and blanket in the hallway with the bedroom and crate doors open. When I got home from the basement at 1:30 he met me at the top of the stairs. Was expecting him to follow me to the bedroom but he slept in his crate all night. We'll see how long that lasts. At one point I went to the bathroom - guess who snores?

This morning he got up with Ryan (6:30) and stayed up. Looks like I'll become a morning person and I may need to invest in running shoes. Morning walks are much more populated than late evening walks. There are 4 dogs who share our end of the alley. Dart was a bit skittish of them. 2 were far more aggressive than he has shown so far. He didn't pull the leash to go meet them - I imagine that will change as he becomes more adapted.

He has finally shown interest in his toys. He already ripped the seam on his dragonfly (only took about 5 minutes) so we're going to stick to non-stuffed toys. Rope toys it is!

The most exciting thing so far today? Dart barked for the first time! He's not a huge barker, which is awesome, but I see the barking as a sign that he is at a new comfort level.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Dart's first day

Dart did really well at our first contact. I could tell he was stressed out over the long drive and was overwhelmed by all the new things. He vomited his food up on the way to drop my nephew off, it seemed a matter of a long drive and nerves.

Dart met Mom, Dad, Ayden, and Peewee. He and Peewee got along but didn't really play with each other. Peewee kept her eye on Dart anytime he was near her toys and bed, but it was always from afar. Dart seemed a bit skittish around my dad - but I don't think he has any problems with men. I honestly think it's all of the new people. I'll keep an eye on it and post if there are any issues.

When he vomited we needed to clean him up. He was not a fan of being rinsed off, but I have a sneaking suspicion that it was all related to being in a whole new place.

Dart did a lot of exploring but always came back to check in with me. When we got home we played out in the yard until Ryan got home. He was skittish but interested and friendly, which leads me to believe that the skittishness with my dad was just about newness.

Dart and Frank (the cat) met and regarded each other for a few moments. Frank got growly and seems to have more issues with Dart than Dart has with him. Frank ate some of Dart's food. Dart saw him and had absolutely no aggression. He is a bit of an opportunist. He likes empty t.p. rolls and tries to sneak off with socks, but will drop things when caught.

Dart has really gotten comfortable in the last day. He is full of energy and loves to be next to someone. It is obvious that he wants nothing more than love. I have not yet heard him bark.

Dart is a total mama's boy. He likes Ryan, but always comes back to check in on me. It's really sweet.